Benefits of Suboxone Treatment

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January 31, 2024

Suboxone can help you get back to feeling more like yourself while you work on conquering the disease of addiction. 

If you’re currently fighting opioid addiction and need a more reliable method of treatment, there may be some options you haven’t explored. One of these is the doctor-prescribed medication buprenorphine, commonly known by the brand name Suboxone. Combined with other therapies, Suboxone could help ease your burdens and lead you toward a life free from addiction. 

What Is Suboxone? 

Suboxone is a medication used in the treatment of opioid use disorder to reduce withdrawal symptoms and cravings. The main ingredients, naloxone and buprenorphine, work together to make recovery more comfortable while also preventing misuse of the medication itself. 

You can only take Suboxone if you have a prescription provided to you by a physician or certified medical provider. It has benefits that can play a big part in your recovery over a long-term period and has helped millions of Americans treat their opioid addiction successfully.  

At AppleGate Recovery, we provide various medication-assisted treatment programs. These include group and individual counseling. We also offer life skills training and ongoing clinical assessments. Used alongside Suboxone, these programs enhance your prospects for long-term recovery. 

Suboxone Treatment for Opioid Addiction 

Suboxone is effective in treating addiction to both prescription and illicit opioids, including pain medication, heroin or even fentanyl. Your doctor and counselor can help you come up with a treatment plan that works best for your needs.  

This medication effectively stops unpleasant and painful withdrawal symptoms. It simplifies the process of quitting drugs. It causes less mental and physical strain compared to other treatments.

The reason Suboxone and other similar medications work so well is because after you administer them, they latch onto and activate your brain’s opioid receptors. This action eases your cravings and symptoms of withdrawal without giving you the same high you get from opioids.  

In addition, Suboxone treatment tends to have a calming and relaxing effect, often reducing physical pain and decreasing levels of stress. Suboxone treatment is typically administered as a film placed under the tongue. This film dissolves in your mouth. It is also available as a pill, which is equally effective.

Man happy with his child in recovery using suboxone treatment.

Benefits of Suboxone Treatment 

Although all FDA-approved medications for opioid use disorder can be very effective in helping you reach recovery, Suboxone treatment has some added extra benefits that can make life a little easier.  

Lower risk of misuse: Suboxone contains the drug naloxone, which is an opioid antagonist. If Suboxone is misused or injected, naloxone will block any euphoric effects and immediately cause the user to go into withdrawal. It will also block the effects of other opioid drugs, which is a good deterrent for relapse.   

Take-home medication: Suboxone’s lower risk of misuse allows medical providers to prescribe it for home use. Patients can fill their prescriptions at any preferred pharmacy. They can then dispense it at home. This way, patients have more time to focus on their recovery journey instead of traveling to and from clinics for daily medication.   

Access to counseling: Medication-assisted treatment using Suboxone includes access to substance use counselors and group counseling sessions. This is an invaluable resource for people looking to become part of the recovery community and build strong friendships as they rebuild their lives. 

Monthly check-ins: Hustling to a clinic every day to take medication is stressful and inconvenient. Many people in recovery are working hard to restart their lives by working jobs and taking care of their responsibilities. With flexible monthly check-ins for refills of Suboxone, staying on the medication is easy.  

Complete health screenings: The physicians who oversee patients on Suboxone are also invested in their overall health. They can diagnose and treat common addiction co-morbidities such as mental illness and infections caused by intravenous drug use. Treating the patient as a whole can improve the chances of recovery success.  

Suboxone Treatment Side Effects 

Like any medication, Suboxone comes with its share of warnings and side effects. If you use this drug as part of your treatment plan, you shouldn’t stop using it abruptly without seeking the direction of your doctor.  

It’s important to slowly wean off Suboxone under medical supervision instead to avoid experiencing withdrawal symptoms like shaking, vomiting, diarrhea and other opioid use adverse effects. Stopping the medication should be a decision made between the patient and doctor to prevent the risk of relapse overdose.  

Suboxone carries a risk of dependence if misused. It’s crucial to follow the prescription closely. Always communicate with your doctor during treatment. Ensure you understand all instructions from your healthcare provider.  

The drug may also cause various other side effects like dizziness, sleepiness, issues with the liver and a decrease in blood pressure.  

Some patients may struggle with oral health when using sublingual films due to the acidity of the medication having contact with the teeth and gums. Thankfully, there are ways to lessen the risks of tooth decay from the medication that include some simple steps such as swishing water and regular dental check-ups.  

Long-term effects of using Suboxone are uncommon. However, some may experience adrenal insufficiency or depression-like symptoms. Regular health screenings help mitigate these effects. Open communication with your doctor about mood and habit changes is essential.

Are You Ready to Make Suboxone Part of Your Recovery? 

We know how hard it is to beat addiction — but with the right balance of medication like Suboxone and counseling, you can come out on the other side stronger and go back to living your life on your terms. Let AppleGate Recovery help you take control of this chronic disease. Call or message AppleGate Recovery now to learn more about our treatment plans and convenient locations. Recovery is possible, so why not take the first step today?  

Contact AppleGate Recovery Today

If opioid addiction is impacting your life or the life of someone you care about, reach out to our treatment center. We are here to provide the support and care you need to take the first step toward recovery.

Call 888.488.5337