Substance use disorder can wreak havoc on the most important relationships.
Damaged and broken relationships are a common result of addiction. After all, addiction is a “family disease” because it affects a person’s entire support system. When you are trying to overcome an opioid addiction, rebuilding trust within a marriage can seem futile. That is because substance misuse can create many hurdles within a romantic bond between two people.
However, repairing a marriage from opioid addiction is possible for some. It will require patience, consideration for each other’s feelings, a willingness to break free from addiction and a plan. While coping with opioid addiction in marriage will often cause some permanent changes, some have achieved inspirational transformations.
Effects of Opioid Addiction on Relationships
Addiction and relationships have a negative trending correlation. Still, marriage is a unique bond. Throughout the years together, both partners build a life based on trust, mutual respect and deep love. Addiction to opioids creates a rift in marriage by scarring that sacred connection and breaking trust.
Coping with opioid addiction in marriage comes with many challenges that push spouses apart, including:
Addiction and codependency go hand in hand. Codependency occurs when one person in the relationship puts the other’s needs ahead of their own health and well-being. These individuals feel the need to earn their spouse’s approval. The codependent person turns a blind eye to the other’s addiction and even helps get them drugs that feed it.
Communication issues
Sadly, in a relationship inflicted by addiction involves a lot of yelling, screaming, manipulation and other toxic communication styles. The constant tension between two people begins to erode their ability to have necessary conversations.
Trust issues in addiction are extremely common. One of the main signs of substance misuse is the need to hide one’s addiction. Trust evaporates after lies come to the surface, leaving many to wonder if they can ever trust their spouse again.
Financial problems
Opioid addiction often leads to economic difficulties that can put a lot of stress and strain on a marriage, as those with addictions frequently miss work, misuse funds or have trouble maintaining employment.
Tips for Coping with Opioid Addiction in Marriage
Opioid addiction can indeed have drastic effects on a marriage. Fortunately, many of the negative impacts of addiction within your marriage come up during the recovery process. Overcoming addiction together is possible, and many have achieved it. Though, it will take some hard work and effective opioid addiction treatment for the person who is struggling.
Here are a few tips to consider that may serve as a step in the right direction.
1. Recognize That Addiction Is a Disease
It is vital to understand that addiction is a disease that requires treatment. Individuals with opioid use disorder can get help through evidence-based treatment combined with substance use counseling. Allowing the supportive partner to be a part of the recovery process is necessary for the exchange of emotional support. It will also help keep the line of communication open as they work on rebuilding trust after addiction.
2. Be Attentive
Once a spouse is in opioid addiction recovery, it is vital to be aware of the behaviors that characterize addiction. These traits include lying, being sneaky or omitting important information, including one’s whereabouts and doings. The recovering individual will have to be attentive and realize when they are exhibiting these behaviors as well. Staying focused and being transparent while remaining committed to following through with recovery is vital. By taking these steps, the person in recovery can help mend the bond broken by addiction.
3. Create a New Relationship and Work on Reconnecting
Although the relationship may not return to how it once was, that may actually be a good thing. Instead, focusing on building a new, healthier relationship is a better idea. Spending quality time together and reconnecting as recovery work is underway can be healing. Daily efforts towards being kind and consistent help to rebuild a bond that facilitates trust. Eventually, trust and love return when both partners have positive reactions to each other’s efforts.
4. Provide Reassurance
Overcoming mistrust in relationships after addiction can be tricky. The partner who broke the trust will need to reassure that they have no intention of repeating the same mistakes. It can take time to build up secure communication and teamwork to keep recovery strong. Also, it will mean removing oneself from the triggers that can make recovery and rebuilding trust challenging. This includes staying away from “friends” who enable addictive behaviors.
5. Understand That Repair Takes Time
Opioid addiction does not happen overnight. There are usually underlying issues that lead a person to chronic substance misuse. Thankfully, an opioid addiction recovery program that takes a “whole patient” approach can help treat other conditions related to addiction. It is crucial for those who are trying to rebuild trust with their significant others to understand that building trust and repairing the marriage will also take time.
6. Embrace Forgiveness
Self-doubt and holding on to guilt make it more difficult to have the confidence and perseverance needed to rebuild trust. Those in recovery need to relinquish self-blame and embrace forgiveness so that they can move forward. Healthy communication in recovery is the ultimate way to repair and strengthen the bond for the next chapter of life.
Repairing a marriage from the damage of addiction takes hard work, but it is possible. However, the process is not a solo act. Individuals who are struggling with opioid addiction can rebuild trust with their significant others by being proactive in recovery.
Find Support for Opioid Addiction in Marriage with AppleGate Recovery
AppleGate Recovery offers individualized programs for those who want to break free from addiction. Our services include medication-assisted treatment and other resources that greatly benefit married couples. We know that marriage counseling for addiction can save relationships, and our experienced counselors are ready to help.
Get started today and learn how to take the first steps toward rebuilding your life and your marriage. If you commit to taking the steps to rebuild what addiction damaged, trust within your marriage can be restored. Message or call us today to learn how AppleGate Recovery can help you and your spouse.
Contact AppleGate Recovery Today
If opioid addiction is impacting your life or the life of someone you care about, reach out to our treatment center. We are here to provide the support and care you need to take the first step toward recovery.
Call 888.488.5337